All classroom Christmas parties will be held on Friday, December 21st. Parents helping with the parties, as specified by the teacher, will be permitted to attend. All others must check with the teacher. This is also "Red & Green Day", all students may wear red & green. *Volunteers must have ALL required paperwork completed to volunteer.
Christmas Break begins on Friday, December 21st which is a minimum day of school. Pre-K and Kindergarten will be dismissed at 11:40 am and Grades 1-8 will be dismissed at 11:50 am. There will be no After School Care on that day. All students must be picked up promptly. Classes will resume on Monday, January 7th.
Our annual Christmas Pageant is scheduled for Thursday, December 20th. The pageant will begin at 1:00 pm in the gym. Families are reminded that NO CAMERAS are permitted on the day of the show. The rehearsal performance will be held on Wednesday, December 19th at 8:30 am. Parents may attend and cameras will be permitted at the rehearsal performance.